Best 5 MST3K Riffs from 'The Castle of Fu Manchu'

Mystery Science Theater 3000 is, quite simply, one of the best TV shows ever. Recently I watched the "Castle of Fu Manchu" episode, and figured I'd highlight some of my favorite riffs from it. If you can't find it on Youtube, you can probably watch it on Hulu or Shout!FactoryTv. Here goes: 5. Where has she been all my death? - Joel 4. "Oh, come on! We can't keep making fun of the names! Get on with it! 3. [On wooden acting] Ya know, if he was gonna express an emotion, now would be the perfect time to do it. 2. "This is the trickle-down theory of plots!" 1. "Women, children, spacemen, Indians, and sort-of-idealized representations of 16th Century Flemish merchants first!"