Best 5 quotes from O. Henry's Full House

5.  Sam 'Slick' Brown: Pull yourself together, William! What's a confidence man without confidence?

4.  Sam 'Slick' Brown: [after shimmying up a tree to escape a bear] William, I think it's a cinnamon bear.
Bill Peoria: I don't care what flavor he is. He's more apt to taste me.

3.  Sam 'Slick' Brown: An oil well is a hole in the ground surrounded by suckers.

2.    Soapy: It may interest to you to know, my good man, that I and the minutest coin of the realm are total strangers.
Waiter: How's that?
Soapy: I said I was broke!

1.  Johnny Kernan: Once they make you walk up an alley, you never use a front door again.


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